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L.I Glow In The Dark Granules

£0.01 - £8.00

There are a lot of people with great ideas who want to make their own things, their own way. So why not use the very same glow in the dark material as we use in all of our products? We have been asked for our special mix for some time and here it is!

Two distinct options, the brightest longest glow from the Green ULTRA or the more subtle glow from Cosmos. This is not the fine powder so many people use, this is our own granular material that produces light for many hours with a few minutes charging from a flashlight or sunlight.

Each pack is carefully weighed and placed for safe transport in a reusable plastic box to get it to you in the same way we ship it. The granules can be made into a variety of products to suit your needs and experiments. You may get some fine powder glow material in the bottom of the pack. This is normal and can be used the same way.

ULTRA is the longest lasting glow and the one we use in most of our products.
Glowcaine is a long term glow but its a finer grain structure, more like sand.

If you want larger packs than on offer please email for pricing.


  • GITD Green ULTRA 1oz 95%
  • GITD Cosmos ULTRA 1oz 100%
  • GITD Green Glowcaine 1oz 100%
  • GITD Green Ultra Free Sample Sold Out